





例 1

每一行以一个字母开始,剩余部分如你在串口输出数据中看到的格式一样,这里是来自APM alhpa 1版代码的结果。

A:Init ArduPilotMega 1.0.1 Alpha
B:min / max from eeprom  1190        1932
C:Offsets   -1.00   37.00   24.00   30.50   4.88   19.46
E:XXX Startup: AIR
G:init home

例 1 解释





E: 启动类型:地面启动和空中启动二选一。空中启动? - 如果想使用地面启动你需要在手动模式(MANUAL,拨到六通道)来启动APMF: 处理器和传感器信息。 Intended for groundstation really. 简要格式: (粘贴到你自己的日志中匹配数据长度相当有用)  当前经度;当前纬度;当前高度;地速;空速;相对家的高度;爬升率;航点距离;油门电流;高度误差;current.lat;current.lng;current.alt;grnd_speed;airspeed;alt_above_home;climb_rate;wp_distance;throttle_cruise;alt_err int(* 10**7) int(* 10**7) cm cm/s cm/s cm(m*100) cm/s cm %(target) cm These lines come from serial.print(ln) statements in print_position() procedure (which is in GCS-xxx.pde file). This is called EVERY time there is a new data packet from the GPS - so its fast - about 3Hz Longer format... !! current.latitude;current.longitude;current.altitude;grnd_speed;airspeed(zero if airspeed sensor not installed);current_altitude_now_above_home (current.alt-home.alt);climb_rate;wp_distance(distance to next wapoint);throttle_cruise(target%);alt_err(target-actual)

G: Home point save successful - the altitude and coordinates of your current location have been captured and stored.

例 2

A:Init ArduPilotMega 1.0.1 Alpha
B:min / max from eeprom  1190        1932
C:Offsets   0.05   29.99   25.00   -15.20   41.67   6.21
E:XXX Startup: Ground
F:Commands in memory
G:commands total: 4
J:command #: 0 id: 0 p1: 0 p2: 19700 p3: -319938514 p4: 1159930268
L:command #: 0 id: 64 p1: 5 p2: 19700 p3: -319938514 p4: 1159930268
M:command #: 1 id: 16 p1: 0 p2: 5000 p3: -31 p4: 115
M:command #: 2 id: 16 p1: 0 p2: 5000 p3: -31 p4: 115
M:command #: 3 id: 16 p1: 0 p2: 5000 p3: -31 p4: 115
N:Demo Servos!
N:Demo Servos!
N:Demo Servos!
O:Offsets   0.93   27.31   25.37   -15.82   38.15   6.67
P:NO airspeed
N:Demo Servos!
N:Demo Servos!
N:Demo Servos!

Q:Waiting for GPS. Y:!!0|0|0|0|0.0000000000|-19700|0|0|45|-32636 R:load WP S:PWP: -319931761, 1159943725, 166608 T:CUR: -319931761, 1159943725, 166608 U:NWP:1, -31, 115, 24700 V:wp_distance 3561464 W:??1|-319931761|1159943725|166608|-31|115|24700|3561464|1547|1509

X:command #: 1 id: 16 p1: 0 p2: 5000 p3: -31 p4: 115 Y:!!-319931761|1159943725|166608|104|0.0000000000|15836|0|3561464|45|-10836 Y:!!-319939156|1159930300|6686|62|0.0000000000|-13014|0|3561464|45|18014

例 2 解释

A:The program has begun. Software Version number given. 
D:The control mode. (Set by the radio control channel switch position with interpretation by code) 
E: Startup type : Ground versus AIR are the alternates. GROUND means a normal startup.
F and G: Commands retrieved from memory - loaded previously into EEPROM i.e. using wapoint_writer.pde or similar.
I and J: Home point inserted as command #0 (?)
K: saying the commands now loaded and active are...
L and M: the commands.
L: is home position as a command. Also the RTL target location.

M: the commands you loaded previously. Format - same as the waypoint file. Namely, command # num id param1 2: alt 3: lat 4: long Note: all values in decimal int, so command is converted from hex to decimal e.g. 0x10 = 16 (?) N:Wiggle one servo a little. Indicates program started OR calibration taking place. O: (?) P: NO airspeed sensor (hence we will use approximate info from GPS?) Q: Waiting for start of GPS message stream (?). R: (?) S: previous waypoint (lat, lng, alt) T: current waypoint (lat, lng, alt) U: next waypoint (lat, lng, alt) V: distance from plane to next waypoint from current position (cm(m*100)) W: new waypoint (?? line prefix) wp_index,prev_WP.lat,prev_WP.lng,prev_WP.alt,next_WP.lat,next_WP.lng,next_WP.alt, wp_totalDistance,radio_trim[CH_ROLL],radio_trim[CH_PITCH] X:command #: 1 id: 16 p1: 0 p2: 5000 p3: -31 p4: 115

Y: print statements coming from print_position()procedure (in GCSxxx.pde file) In short form: (useful to paste into your logs to match value lengths) current.lat;current.lng;current.alt;grnd_speed;airspeed;alt_above_home;climb_rate;wp_distance;throttle_cruise;alt_err int(* 10**7) int(* 10**7) cm cm/s cm/s cm(m*100) cm/s cm % cm These lines come from serial.print(ln) statements in print_position() procedure (which is in GCS-xxx.pde file). This is called EVERY time there is a new data packet from the GPS - so its fast - about 3Hz Longer format... !! current.latitude;current.longitude;current.altitude;grnd_speed;airspeed(zero if airspeed sensor not installed);current_altitude_now_above_home (current.alt-home.alt);climb_rate;wp_distance(distance to next wapoint);throttle_cruise(target%);alt_err(target-actual)



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